Saint Joseph's College (Indiana), a Catholic college founded and sponsored by the Missionaries of the Precious Blood, pledges itself to a tradition of excellence and to a liberal education that is a united endeavor of intelligence and faith.
Easter Time Greetings
During this time of questions, concern and worry, we can identify with the apostles in the upper room after the crucifixion. They were confused and felt their world was crashing down around them after the death of Jesus. With the loss of life, jobs, social distancing and no church services in most places, many of us also feel as though our futures are very insecure.
Just like the apostles in the upper room, we await the appearance of Christ. We need to remember that he is present among us whether we gather together in church or not. The risen Christ is among us whether we are able to gather physically as family or not. The risen Christ reaches out to us through the first responders, the grocery store workers and all other essential services workers. We need only stay focused on the presence of Christ within us and around us whether physically or virtually. Every time someone helps us or we help others it is Christ saying, “Peace be with you.”
Our wish and prayer for all of our alumni and friends is that you are safe and may experience the resurrection through Christ’ presence in yourselves and in one another during the Triduum and Easter Season this year.
The SJC Board of Trustees and Staff
Zoom Meetings for 128 Core Partners
In light of the current situation our nation faces, we postponed in-person meetings with the 128 Core Partners to explain the comprehensive three-year plan. The 128 Core Partner are invited to join us in Zoom meetings where we will dive deeper into the plan for Saint Joseph’s College. If you would like to join us for a zoom meeting, please contact Beth Graf with your availability. Also contact Beth for more information on how to become a 128 Core Partner.
Beth Graf – bgraf@saintjoe.edu – office 219-866-6000 x 2014 – cell 219-863-3839
Due to Shelter-In-Place, Campus Remains Closed
Until the Shelter-In-Place order has been lifted, the campus will remain closed. Most staff are operating from home with physical plant employees working in shifts. It’s mowing season, and the staff is working to make the grounds beautiful again! Our hope and prayer is to return to campus in May and continue the good work bringing our beloved College back to life. Stay safe and well!
Contact Us
Saint Joseph’s College PO Box 300 Rensselaer, IN 47978
Email: bgraf@saintjoe.edu
Phone: 219-866-6000 ext. 2014